Andrea Miles Announces Re-election run for Selectboard (from the Town Reminder)

Reminder Publications, January 17, 2020

SOUTH HADLEY – Andrea Miles announce earlier this week that she is certified to run for re-election to the South Hadley Selectboard. The Town election will be held on March 3, 2020, and will coincide with the Presidential Primary.
Miles, the chair of the Board, was first elected to the Board in 2017, and is now seeking a second term. She has pre- viously served as the Board’s clerk and vice chair before taking on the role of chair last spring.

“It has been a privilege to serve South Hadley in this capacity for the past three years and I look forward to the changes and challenges ahead for the town. Hiring a new town administrator, re-envisioning our solid waste program, constructing the new Senior Center, and planning a fiscally responsible vision for the town moving forward requires a Selectboard that functions with strong leadership and cooperation, and I believe my strengths continue to fit well into this picture.”

Miles was born and raised in Belchertown, and graduated in 2005 from Cornell University with a BS in Development Sociology. She and her husband have five children, including two graduates of South Hadley High School, and three younger children at Mosier and Michael E. Smith.

You can follow Andrea and learn more at and You are also welcome to send her emails at

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