
While South Hadley is already a great, thriving town, there will always be issues, needs, and concerns on our path to vibrancy. Some of the “hot topics” around town that I’d like to be a part of addressing are:

  • We have a number of aging buildings that need our attention. The Senior Center, Town Hall, and Mosier Elementary School are among those with the greatest need. Whether repairs or replacements are necessary or even doable is at the crux of the issue. As a member of the Selectboard, I hope to hold open, innovative conversations with the citizens, the School Committee, and other town boards to reach a viable, sustainable solution.
  • South Hadley Falls has been undergoing amazing revitalization in the last couple of years. With the new public library in place, things are taking off, and plans are underway to see the redevelopment plan to fruition. This will help not only the look and feel of South Hadley Falls, but the health and wellness of South Hadley as a whole, while increasing revenue from new business and housing opportunities. 
  • South Hadley currently has two fire and water districts. I favor examining ways to combine resources and free up taxpayer dollars by merging the two districts into one. In a town of our size, it is important to streamline resources and manage our money as best we can.
  • The board has done a fabulous job over the last several years making government accessible to its residents. I favor continued transparency and developing ways to reach more citizens, especially young families, and encourage them to take an active roll in our local democracy
  • There are two questions on this year’s ballot that are non-binding. One is whether the town should ban plastic bags, as some surrounding towns have done or are planning to do, and the other is a resolution opposing government corruption. I am in favor of both of these questions.