Why Andrea is running

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am running for a seat on the South Hadley Selectboard. The election is Tuesday, April 11th, and I’d love your help!

I grew up in Belchertown, Massachusetts, and after graduating from BHS, I travelled to New York for college, graduating from Cornell University with a degree in Development Sociology/Youth and Community Development. I spent eight years living in upstate New York, before returning to the Pioneer Valley in 2013.

My children and I quickly found a new home in South Hadley, I enrolled my oldest son in Kindergarten, and we’ve been here ever since.

I chose South Hadley for my family for its uniqueness as a college town and a small town all at the same time. The intellectual opportunities provide not only by Mount Holyoke, but the rest of the Five Colleges, blended with a close-knit community combines what I feel are the best of both worlds.

My research, education, and interest in developing communities, involving youth, and producing successful citizens has driven my interest in running for Selectboard.  While I believe our current board does a good job of addressing the needs of its citizens, I bring an element of socioeconomic diversity to the board that is currently lacking from much of our town government. I help represent young families, families new to South Hadley, women, and those in the working middle class.

I hope to work with the board to continue the positive growth and development of  South Hadley Falls, examine the needs of  the aging buildings throughout town and develop innovative ways to address their repairs and/or replacements, and further open the dialogue not only between the citizens and the various boards, but among the citizens themselves.

It is only when we’re all working together for the common good that South Hadley can reach its fullest potential.

I look forward to speaking to you more about my visions for South Hadley. Thank you for your interest!

